Source code for numexpr.tests.test_numexpr

#  Numexpr - Fast numerical array expression evaluator for NumPy.
#      License: MIT
#      Author:  See AUTHORS.txt
#  See LICENSE.txt and LICENSES/*.txt for details about copyright and
#  rights to use.

import os
import sys
import platform
import warnings
from contextlib import contextmanager
import subprocess

import numpy as np
from numpy import (
    array, arange, empty, zeros, int32, int64, uint16, complex_, float64, rec,
    copy, ones_like, where, alltrue, linspace,
    sum, prod, sqrt, fmod, floor, ceil,
    sin, cos, tan, arcsin, arccos, arctan, arctan2,
    sinh, cosh, tanh, arcsinh, arccosh, arctanh,
    log, log1p, log10, exp, expm1, conj)
import numpy
from numpy.testing import (assert_equal, assert_array_equal,
                           assert_array_almost_equal, assert_allclose)
from numpy import shape, allclose, array_equal, ravel, isnan, isinf

import numexpr
from numexpr import E, NumExpr, evaluate, re_evaluate, disassemble, use_vml
from numexpr.expressions import ConstantNode

import unittest

TestCase = unittest.TestCase

double = np.double
long = int

class test_numexpr(TestCase):
    """Testing with 1 thread"""
    nthreads = 1

    def setUp(self):

    def test_simple(self):
        ex = 2.0 * E.a + 3.0 * E.b * E.c
        sig = [('a', double), ('b', double), ('c', double)]
        func = NumExpr(ex, signature=sig)
        x = func(array([1., 2, 3]), array([4., 5, 6]), array([7., 8, 9]))
        assert_array_equal(x, array([86., 124., 168.]))

    def test_simple_expr_small_array(self):
        func = NumExpr(E.a)
        x = arange(100.0)
        y = func(x)
        assert_array_equal(x, y)

    def test_simple_expr(self):
        func = NumExpr(E.a)
        x = arange(1e6)
        y = func(x)
        assert_array_equal(x, y)

    def test_rational_expr(self):
        func = NumExpr((E.a + 2.0 * E.b) / (1 + E.a + 4 * E.b * E.b))
        a = arange(1e6)
        b = arange(1e6) * 0.1
        x = (a + 2 * b) / (1 + a + 4 * b * b)
        y = func(a, b)
        assert_array_almost_equal(x, y)

    def test_reductions(self):
        # Check that they compile OK.
            NumExpr("sum(x**2+2, axis=None)", [('x', double)])),
                     [(b'mul_ddd', b't3', b'r1[x]', b'r1[x]'),
                      (b'add_ddd', b't3', b't3', b'c2[2.0]'),
                      (b'sum_ddn', b'r0', b't3', None)])
            NumExpr("sum(x**2+2, axis=1)", [('x', double)])),
                     [(b'mul_ddd', b't3', b'r1[x]', b'r1[x]'),
                      (b'add_ddd', b't3', b't3', b'c2[2.0]'),
                      (b'sum_ddn', b'r0', b't3', 1)])
            NumExpr("prod(x**2+2, axis=2)", [('x', double)])),
                     [(b'mul_ddd', b't3', b'r1[x]', b'r1[x]'),
                      (b'add_ddd', b't3', b't3', b'c2[2.0]'),
                      (b'prod_ddn', b'r0', b't3', 2)])
        # Check that full reductions work.
        x = zeros(100000) + .01  # checks issue #41
        assert_allclose(evaluate("sum(x+2,axis=None)"), sum(x + 2, axis=None))
        assert_allclose(evaluate("sum(x+2,axis=0)"), sum(x + 2, axis=0))
        assert_allclose(evaluate("prod(x,axis=0)"), prod(x, axis=0))
        assert_allclose(evaluate("min(x)"), np.min(x))
        assert_allclose(evaluate("max(x,axis=0)"), np.max(x, axis=0))

        # Fix for #277, array with leading singleton dimension
        x = np.arange(10).reshape(1,10)
        assert_allclose(evaluate("sum(x,axis=None)"), sum(x, axis=None) )
        assert_allclose(evaluate("sum(x,axis=0)"), sum(x, axis=0) )
        assert_allclose(evaluate("sum(x,axis=1)"), sum(x, axis=1) )

        x = arange(10.0)
        assert_allclose(evaluate("sum(x**2+2,axis=0)"), sum(x ** 2 + 2, axis=0))
        assert_allclose(evaluate("prod(x**2+2,axis=0)"), prod(x ** 2 + 2, axis=0))
        assert_allclose(evaluate("min(x**2+2,axis=0)"), np.min(x ** 2 + 2, axis=0))
        assert_allclose(evaluate("max(x**2+2,axis=0)"), np.max(x ** 2 + 2, axis=0))

        x = arange(100.0)
        assert_allclose(evaluate("sum(x**2+2,axis=0)"), sum(x ** 2 + 2, axis=0))
        assert_allclose(evaluate("prod(x-1,axis=0)"), prod(x - 1, axis=0))
        assert_allclose(evaluate("min(x-1,axis=0)"), np.min(x - 1, axis=0))
        assert_allclose(evaluate("max(x-1,axis=0)"), np.max(x - 1, axis=0))
        x = linspace(0.1, 1.0, 2000)
        assert_allclose(evaluate("sum(x**2+2,axis=0)"), sum(x ** 2 + 2, axis=0))
        assert_allclose(evaluate("prod(x-1,axis=0)"), prod(x - 1, axis=0))
        assert_allclose(evaluate("min(x-1,axis=0)"), np.min(x - 1, axis=0))
        assert_allclose(evaluate("max(x-1,axis=0)"), np.max(x - 1, axis=0))

        # Check that reductions along an axis work
        y = arange(9.0).reshape(3, 3)
        assert_allclose(evaluate("sum(y**2, axis=1)"), sum(y ** 2, axis=1))
        assert_allclose(evaluate("sum(y**2, axis=0)"), sum(y ** 2, axis=0))
        assert_allclose(evaluate("sum(y**2, axis=None)"), sum(y ** 2, axis=None))
        assert_allclose(evaluate("prod(y**2, axis=1)"), prod(y ** 2, axis=1))
        assert_allclose(evaluate("prod(y**2, axis=0)"), prod(y ** 2, axis=0))
        assert_allclose(evaluate("prod(y**2, axis=None)"), prod(y ** 2, axis=None))
        assert_allclose(evaluate("min(y**2, axis=1)"), np.min(y ** 2, axis=1))
        assert_allclose(evaluate("min(y**2, axis=0)"), np.min(y ** 2, axis=0))
        assert_allclose(evaluate("min(y**2, axis=None)"), np.min(y ** 2, axis=None))
        assert_allclose(evaluate("max(y**2, axis=1)"), np.max(y ** 2, axis=1))
        assert_allclose(evaluate("max(y**2, axis=0)"), np.max(y ** 2, axis=0))
        assert_allclose(evaluate("max(y**2, axis=None)"), np.max(y ** 2, axis=None))
        # Check integers
        x = arange(10.)
        x = x.astype(int)
        assert_allclose(evaluate("sum(x**2+2,axis=0)"), sum(x ** 2 + 2, axis=0))
        assert_allclose(evaluate("prod(x**2+2,axis=0)"), prod(x ** 2 + 2, axis=0))
        assert_allclose(evaluate("min(x**2+2,axis=0)"), np.min(x ** 2 + 2, axis=0))
        assert_allclose(evaluate("max(x**2+2,axis=0)"), np.max(x ** 2 + 2, axis=0))
        # Check longs
        x = x.astype(int)
        assert_allclose(evaluate("sum(x**2+2,axis=0)"), sum(x ** 2 + 2, axis=0))
        assert_allclose(evaluate("prod(x**2+2,axis=0)"), prod(x ** 2 + 2, axis=0))
        assert_allclose(evaluate("min(x**2+2,axis=0)"), np.min(x ** 2 + 2, axis=0))
        assert_allclose(evaluate("max(x**2+2,axis=0)"), np.max(x ** 2 + 2, axis=0))
        # Check complex
        x = x + .1j
        assert_allclose(evaluate("sum(x**2+2,axis=0)"), sum(x ** 2 + 2, axis=0))
        assert_allclose(evaluate("prod(x-1,axis=0)"), prod(x - 1, axis=0))

    def test_in_place(self):
        x = arange(10000.).reshape(1000, 10)
        evaluate("x + 3", out=x)
        assert_equal(x, arange(10000.).reshape(1000, 10) + 3)
        y = arange(10)
        evaluate("(x - 3) * y + (x - 3)", out=x)
        assert_equal(x, arange(10000.).reshape(1000, 10) * (arange(10) + 1))

    def test_axis(self):
        y = arange(9.0).reshape(3, 3)
            evaluate("sum(y, axis=2)")
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError("should raise exception!")
            evaluate("sum(y, axis=-3)")
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError("should raise exception!")
            # Negative axis are not supported
            evaluate("sum(y, axis=-1)")
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError("should raise exception!")

    def test_r0_reuse(self):
        assert_equal(disassemble(NumExpr("x * x + 2", [('x', double)])),
                     [(b'mul_ddd', b'r0', b'r1[x]', b'r1[x]'),
                      (b'add_ddd', b'r0', b'r0', b'c2[2.0]')])

    def test_str_contains_basic0(self):
        res = evaluate('contains(b"abc", b"ab")')
        assert_equal(res, True)

    def test_str_contains_basic1(self):
        haystack = array([b'abc', b'def', b'xyz', b'x11', b'za'])
        res = evaluate('contains(haystack, b"ab")')
        assert_equal(res, [True, False, False, False, False])

    def test_str_contains_basic2(self):
        haystack = array([b'abc', b'def', b'xyz', b'x11', b'za'])
        res = evaluate('contains(b"abcd", haystack)')
        assert_equal(res, [True, False, False, False, False])

    def test_str_contains_basic3(self):
        haystacks = array(
            [b'abckkk', b'adef', b'xyz', b'x11abcp', b'za', b'abc'])
        needles = array(
            [b'abc', b'def', b'aterr', b'oot', b'zu', b'ab'])
        res = evaluate('contains(haystacks, needles)')
        assert_equal(res, [True, True, False, False, False, True])

    def test_str_contains_basic4(self):
        needles = array(
            [b'abc', b'def', b'aterr', b'oot', b'zu', b'ab c', b' abc',
             b'abc '])
        res = evaluate('contains(b"test abc here", needles)')
        assert_equal(res, [True, False, False, False, False, False, True, True])

    def test_str_contains_basic5(self):
        needles = array(
            [b'abc', b'ab c', b' abc', b' abc ', b'\tabc', b'c h'])
        res = evaluate('contains(b"test abc here", needles)')
        assert_equal(res, [True, False, True, True, False, True])

        # Compare operation of Python 'in' operator with 'contains' using a
        # product of two lists of strings.

    def test_str_contains_listproduct(self):
        from itertools import product

        small = [
            'It w', 'as th', 'e Whit', 'e Rab', 'bit,', ' tro', 'tting',
            ' sl', 'owly', ' back ', 'again,', ' and', ' lo', 'okin', 'g a',
            'nxious', 'ly a', 'bou', 't a', 's it w', 'ent,', ' as i', 'f it',
            ' had l', 'ost', ' some', 'thi', 'ng; a', 'nd ', 'she ', 'heard ',
            'it mut', 'terin', 'g to ', 'its', 'elf ', "'The",
            ' Duch', 'ess! T', 'he ', 'Duches', 's! Oh ', 'my dea', 'r paws',
            '! Oh ', 'my f', 'ur ', 'and ', 'whiske', 'rs! ', 'She', "'ll g",
            'et me', ' ex', 'ecu', 'ted, ', 'as su', 're a', 's f', 'errets',
            ' are f', 'errets', '! Wh', 'ere ', 'CAN', ' I hav', 'e d',
            'roppe', 'd t', 'hem,', ' I wo', 'nder?', "' A", 'lice',
            ' gu', 'essed', ' in a', ' mom', 'ent ', 'tha', 't it w', 'as ',
            'looki', 'ng f', 'or ', 'the fa', 'n and ', 'the', ' pai',
            'r of w', 'hit', 'e kid', ' glo', 'ves', ', and ', 'she ',
            'very g', 'ood', '-na', 'turedl', 'y be', 'gan h', 'unt', 'ing',
            ' about', ' for t', 'hem', ', but', ' they ', 'wer', 'e nowh',
            'ere to', ' be', ' se', 'en--', 'ever', 'ythin', 'g seem', 'ed ',
            'to ', 'have c', 'hang', 'ed ', 'since', ' he', 'r swim', ' in',
            ' the', ' pool,', ' and', ' the g', 'reat ', 'hal', 'l, w', 'ith',
            ' th', 'e gl', 'ass t', 'abl', 'e and ', 'the', ' li', 'ttle',
            ' doo', 'r, ha', 'd v', 'ani', 'shed c', 'omp', 'lete', 'ly.']
        big = [
            'It wa', 's the', ' W', 'hit', 'e ', 'Ra', 'bb', 'it, t', 'ro',
            'tting s', 'lowly', ' back ', 'agai', 'n, and', ' l', 'ookin',
            'g ', 'an', 'xiously', ' about ', 'as it w', 'ent, as', ' if ',
            'it had', ' los', 't ', 'so', 'mething', '; and', ' she h',
            'eard ', 'it ', 'mutteri', 'ng to', ' itself', " 'The ",
            'Duchess', '! ', 'Th', 'e ', 'Duchess', '! Oh m', 'y de',
            'ar paws', '! ', 'Oh my ', 'fu', 'r and w', 'hiskers', "! She'",
            'll ', 'get', ' me ', 'execute', 'd,', ' a', 's ', 'su', 're as ',
            'fe', 'rrets', ' are f', 'errets!', ' Wher', 'e CAN', ' I ha',
            've dro', 'pped t', 'hem', ', I ', 'won', "der?' A",
            'lice g', 'uess', 'ed ', 'in a m', 'omen', 't that', ' i',
            't was l', 'ook', 'ing f', 'or th', 'e ', 'fan and', ' th', 'e p',
            'air o', 'f whit', 'e ki', 'd glove', 's, and ', 'she v', 'ery ',
            'good-na', 'tu', 'redl', 'y be', 'gan hun', 'ti', 'ng abou',
            't for t', 'he', 'm, bu', 't t', 'hey ', 'were n', 'owhere',
            ' to b', 'e s', 'een-', '-eve', 'rythi', 'ng see', 'me', 'd ',
            'to ha', 've', ' c', 'hanged', ' sinc', 'e her s', 'wim ',
            'in the ', 'pool,', ' an', 'd the g', 'rea', 't h', 'all, wi',
            'th the ', 'glas', 's t', 'able an', 'd th', 'e littl', 'e door,',
            ' had va', 'ni', 'shed co', 'mpletel', 'y.']
        p = list(product(small, big))
        python_in = [x[0] in x[1] for x in p]
        a = [x[0].encode() for x in p]
        b = [x[1].encode() for x in p]
        res = [bool(x) for x in evaluate('contains(b, a)')]
        assert_equal(res, python_in)

    def test_str_contains_withemptystr1(self):
        withemptystr = array([b'abc', b'def', b''])
        res = evaluate('contains(b"abcd", withemptystr)')
        assert_equal(res, [True, False, True])

    def test_str_contains_withemptystr2(self):
        withemptystr = array([b'abc', b'def', b''])
        res = evaluate('contains(withemptystr, b"")')
        assert_equal(res, [True, True, True])

    def test_str_contains_long_needle(self):
        a = b'1' + b'a' * 40
        b = b'a' * 40
        res = evaluate('contains(a, b)')
        assert_equal(res, True)
    def test_where_scalar_bool(self):
        a = True
        b = array([1, 2])
        c = array([3, 4])
        res = evaluate('where(a, b, c)')
        assert_array_equal(res, b)
        a = False
        res = evaluate('where(a, b, c)')
        assert_array_equal(res, c)

    def test_refcount(self):
        # Regression test for issue #310
        a = array([1])
        assert sys.getrefcount(a) == 2
        assert sys.getrefcount(a) == 2

    def test_locals_clears_globals(self):
        # Check for issue #313, whereby clearing f_locals also clear f_globals
        # if in the top-frame. This cannot be done inside `unittest` as it is always 
        # executing code in a child frame.
        script = r';'.join([
                r"import numexpr as ne",
                r"a += 1",
                r"ne.evaluate('2', local_dict={})",
                r"a += 1",
                r"ne.evaluate('3', global_dict={})",
                r"a += 1",
                r"ne.evaluate('4', local_dict={}, global_dict={})",
                r"a += 1",
        # Raises CalledProcessError on a non-normal exit
        check = subprocess.check_call([sys.executable, '-c', script])
        # Ideally this test should also be done against ipython but it's not 
        # a requirement.

class test_numexpr2(test_numexpr):
    """Testing with 2 threads"""
    nthreads = 2

class test_evaluate(TestCase):
    def test_simple(self):
        a = array([1., 2., 3.])
        b = array([4., 5., 6.])
        c = array([7., 8., 9.])
        x = evaluate("2*a + 3*b*c")
        assert_array_equal(x, array([86., 124., 168.]))

    def test_simple_expr_small_array(self):
        x = arange(100.0)
        y = evaluate("x")
        assert_array_equal(x, y)

    def test_simple_expr(self):
        x = arange(1e6)
        y = evaluate("x")
        assert_array_equal(x, y)

    def test_re_evaluate(self):
        a = array([1., 2., 3.])
        b = array([4., 5., 6.])
        c = array([7., 8., 9.])
        x = evaluate("2*a + 3*b*c")
        x = re_evaluate()
        assert_array_equal(x, array([86., 124., 168.]))

    def test_re_evaluate_dict(self):
        a = array([1., 2., 3.])
        b = array([4., 5., 6.])
        c = array([7., 8., 9.])
        x = evaluate("2*a + 3*b*c", local_dict={'a': a, 'b': b, 'c': c})
        x = re_evaluate()
        assert_array_equal(x, array([86., 124., 168.]))

    # Test for issue #22
    def test_true_div(self):
        x = arange(10, dtype='i4')
        assert_array_equal(evaluate("x/2"), x / 2)
        assert_array_equal(evaluate("x/2", truediv=False), x / 2)
        assert_array_equal(evaluate("x/2", truediv='auto'), x / 2)
        assert_array_equal(evaluate("x/2", truediv=True), x / 2.0)

    def test_left_shift(self):
        x = arange(10, dtype='i4')
        assert_array_equal(evaluate("x<<2"), x << 2)

    def test_right_shift(self):
        x = arange(10, dtype='i4')
        assert_array_equal(evaluate("x>>2"), x >> 2)

    # PyTables uses __nonzero__ among ExpressionNode objects internally
    # so this should be commented out for the moment.  See #24.
    def test_boolean_operator(self):
        x = arange(10, dtype='i4')
            evaluate("(x > 1) and (x < 9)")
        except TypeError:
            raise ValueError("should raise exception!")

    def test_rational_expr(self):
        a = arange(1e6)
        b = arange(1e6) * 0.1
        x = (a + 2 * b) / (1 + a + 4 * b * b)
        y = evaluate("(a + 2*b) / (1 + a + 4*b*b)")
        assert_array_almost_equal(x, y)

    def test_complex_expr(self):
        def complex(a, b):
            c = zeros(a.shape, dtype=complex_)
            c.real = a
            c.imag = b
            return c

        a = arange(1e4)
        b = arange(1e4) ** 1e-5
        z = a + 1j * b
        x = z.imag
        x = sin(complex(a, b)).real + z.imag
        y = evaluate("sin(complex(a, b)).real + z.imag")
        assert_array_almost_equal(x, y)

    def test_complex_strides(self):
        a = arange(100).reshape(10, 10)[::2]
        b = arange(50).reshape(5, 10)
        assert_array_equal(evaluate("a+b"), a + b)
        c = empty([10], dtype=[('c1', int32), ('c2', uint16)])
        c['c1'] = arange(10)
        c1 = c['c1']
        a0 = a[0]
        assert_array_equal(evaluate("c1"), c1)
        assert_array_equal(evaluate("a0+c1"), a0 + c1)

    def test_recarray_strides(self):
        a = arange(100)
        b = arange(100,200)
        recarr = np.rec.array(None, formats='f4,f4', shape=(100,))
        recarr['f0'] = a
        recarr['f1'] = b
        c = recarr['f1']
        assert_array_almost_equal(evaluate("sqrt(c) > 1."), sqrt(c) > 1.)
        assert_array_almost_equal(evaluate("log10(c)"), log10(c))

    def test_broadcasting(self):
        a = arange(100).reshape(10, 10)[::2]
        c = arange(10)
        d = arange(5).reshape(5, 1)
        assert_array_equal(evaluate("a+c"), a + c)
        assert_array_equal(evaluate("a+d"), a + d)
        expr = NumExpr("2.0*a+3.0*c", [('a', double), ('c', double)])
        assert_array_equal(expr(a, c), 2.0 * a + 3.0 * c)

    def test_all_scalar(self):
        a = 3.
        b = 4.
        assert_allclose(evaluate("a+b"), a + b)
        expr = NumExpr("2*a+3*b", [('a', double), ('b', double)])
        assert_equal(expr(a, b), 2 * a + 3 * b)

    def test_run(self):
        a = arange(100).reshape(10, 10)[::2]
        b = arange(10)
        expr = NumExpr("2*a+3*b", [('a', double), ('b', double)])
        assert_array_equal(expr(a, b),, b))

    def test_illegal_value(self):
        a = arange(3)
            evaluate("a < [0, 0, 0]")
        except TypeError:

    def test_disassemble(self):
            "where(m, a, -1)", [('m', bool), ('a', float)])),
            [[b'where_fbff', b'r0', b'r1[m]', b'r2[a]', b'c3[-1.0]'], 
             [b'noop', None, None, None]])

    def test_constant_deduplication(self):
        assert_equal(NumExpr("(a + 1)*(a - 1)", [('a', np.int32)]).constants, (1,))

    def test_nan_constant(self):
        assert_equal(str(ConstantNode(float("nan")).value), 'nan')

        # check de-duplication works for nan
        _nan = ConstantNode(float("nan"))
        expr = (E.a + _nan)*(E.b + _nan)
        assert_equal(NumExpr(expr, [('a', double), ('b', double)]).constants, (float("nan"),))

    def test_f32_constant(self):
        assert_equal(ConstantNode(numpy.float32(1)).astKind, "float")
        assert_equal(ConstantNode(numpy.float32("nan")).astKind, "float")
        assert_equal(ConstantNode(numpy.float32(3)).value.dtype, numpy.dtype("float32"))
                           numpy.array(1, dtype="float32"))

    def test_unaligned_singleton(self):
        # Test for issue #397 whether singletons outputs assigned to consts must be 
        # aligned or not.
        a = np.empty(5, dtype=np.uint8)[1:].view(np.int32)
        evaluate('3', out=a)
        assert_equal(a, 3)

    def test_ex_uses_vml(self):
        vml_funcs = [ "sin", "cos", "tan", "arcsin", "arccos", "arctan",
                      "sinh", "cosh", "tanh", "arcsinh", "arccosh", "arctanh",
                      "log", "log1p","log10", "exp", "expm1", "abs", "conj",
                      "arctan2", "fmod"]
        for func in vml_funcs:
            strexpr = func+'(a)'
            _, ex_uses_vml = numexpr.necompiler.getExprNames(strexpr, {})
            assert_equal(ex_uses_vml, use_vml, strexpr)

    if 'sparc' not in platform.machine():
        # Execution order set here so as to not use too many threads
        # during the rest of the execution.  See #33 for details.
        def test_changing_nthreads_00_inc(self):
            a = linspace(-1, 1, 1000000)
            b = ((.25 * a + .75) * a - 1.5) * a - 2
            for nthreads in range(1, 7):
                c = evaluate("((.25*a + .75)*a - 1.5)*a - 2")
                assert_array_almost_equal(b, c)

        def test_changing_nthreads_01_dec(self):
            a = linspace(-1, 1, 1000000)
            b = ((.25 * a + .75) * a - 1.5) * a - 2
            for nthreads in range(6, 1, -1):
                c = evaluate("((.25*a + .75)*a - 1.5)*a - 2")
                assert_array_almost_equal(b, c)

tests = [
    ('MISC', ['b*c+d*e',
              '2*a + (cos(3)+5)*sinh(cos(b))',
              '2*a + arctan2(a, b)',
              'where(a != 0.0, 2, a)',
              'where(a > 10, b < a, b > a)',
              'where((a-10).real != 0.0, a, 2)',
              '0.25 * (a < 5) + 0.33 * (a >= 5)',

optests = []
for op in list('+-*/%') + ['**']:
    optests.append("(a+1) %s (b+3)" % op)
    optests.append("3 %s (b+3)" % op)
    optests.append("(a+1) %s 4" % op)
    optests.append("2 %s (b+3)" % op)
    optests.append("(a+1) %s 2" % op)
    optests.append("(a+1) %s -1" % op)
    optests.append("(a+1) %s 0.5" % op)
    # Check divisions and modulus by zero (see ticket #107)
    optests.append("(a+1) %s 0" % op)
tests.append(('OPERATIONS', optests))

cmptests = []
for op in ['<', '<=', '==', '>=', '>', '!=']:
    cmptests.append("a/2+5 %s b" % op)
    cmptests.append("a/2+5 %s 7" % op)
    cmptests.append("7 %s b" % op)
    cmptests.append("7.0 %s 5" % op)
tests.append(('COMPARISONS', cmptests))

func1tests = []
for func in ['copy', 'ones_like', 'sqrt',
             'sin', 'cos', 'tan', 'arcsin', 'arccos', 'arctan',
             'sinh', 'cosh', 'tanh', 'arcsinh', 'arccosh', 'arctanh',
             'log', 'log1p', 'log10', 'exp', 'expm1', 'abs', 'conj',
             'ceil', 'floor']:
    func1tests.append("a + %s(b+c)" % func)
tests.append(('1_ARG_FUNCS', func1tests))

func2tests = []
for func in ['arctan2', 'fmod']:
    func2tests.append("a + %s(b+c, d+1)" % func)
    func2tests.append("a + %s(b+c, 1)" % func)
    func2tests.append("a + %s(1, d+1)" % func)
tests.append(('2_ARG_FUNCS', func2tests))

powtests = []
# n = -1, 0.5, 2, 4 already handled in section "OPERATIONS"
for n in (-7, -2.5, -1.5, -1.3, -.5, 0, 0.0, 1, 2.3, 2.5, 3):
    powtests.append("(a+1)**%s" % n)
tests.append(('POW_TESTS', powtests))

def equal(a, b, exact):
    if array_equal(a, b):
        return True

    if hasattr(a, 'dtype') and a.dtype in ['f4', 'f8']:
        nnans = isnan(a).sum()
        if nnans > 0:
            # For results containing NaNs, just check that the number
            # of NaNs is the same in both arrays.  This check could be
            # made more exhaustive, but checking element by element in
            # python space is very expensive in general.
            return nnans == isnan(b).sum()
        ninfs = isinf(a).sum()
        if ninfs > 0:
            # Ditto for Inf's
            return ninfs == isinf(b).sum()
    if exact:
        return (shape(a) == shape(b)) and alltrue(ravel(a) == ravel(b), axis=0)
        if hasattr(a, 'dtype') and a.dtype == 'f4':
            atol = 1e-5  # Relax precission for special opcodes, like fmod
            atol = 1e-8
        return (shape(a) == shape(b) and
                allclose(ravel(a), ravel(b), atol=atol))

class Skip(Exception): pass

def test_expressions():
    test_no = [0]

    def make_test_method(a, a2, b, c, d, e, x, expr,
                         test_scalar, dtype, optimization, exact, section):
        this_locals = locals()

        def method():
                # We don't want to listen at RuntimeWarnings like
                # "overflows" or "divide by zero" in plain eval().
                npval = eval(expr, globals(), this_locals)
                npval = eval(expr, globals(), this_locals)
            except Exception as ex:
                # just store the exception in a variable
                # compatibility with numpy v1.12
                # see also
                np_exception = ex
                npval = None
                np_exception = None

                neval = evaluate(expr, local_dict=this_locals,
            except AssertionError:
            except NotImplementedError:
                print('%r not implemented for %s (scalar=%d, opt=%s)'
                      % (expr, dtype.__name__, test_scalar, optimization))
            except Exception as ne_exception:
                same_exc_type = issubclass(type(ne_exception),
                if np_exception is None or not same_exc_type:
                    print('numexpr error for expression %r' % (expr,))
                print('numexpr error for expression %r' % (expr,))
                msg = ('expected numexpr error not raised for expression '
                       '%r' % (expr,))
                assert np_exception is None, msg

                assert equal(npval, neval, exact), """%r
(test_scalar=%r, dtype=%r, optimization=%r, exact=%r,
 npval=%r (%r - %r)\n neval=%r (%r - %r))""" % (expr, test_scalar, dtype.__name__,
                                                optimization, exact,
                                                npval, type(npval), shape(npval),
                                                neval, type(neval), shape(neval))

        method.description = ('test_expressions(%s, test_scalar=%r, '
                              'dtype=%r, optimization=%r, exact=%r)') % (expr, test_scalar, dtype.__name__, optimization, exact)
        test_no[0] += 1
        method.__name__ = 'test_scalar%d_%s_%s_%s_%04d' % (test_scalar,
        return method

    x = None
    for test_scalar in (0, 1, 2):
        for dtype in (int, int, np.float32, double, complex):
            array_size = 100
            a = arange(2 * array_size, dtype=dtype)[::2]
            a2 = zeros([array_size, array_size], dtype=dtype)
            b = arange(array_size, dtype=dtype) / array_size
            c = arange(array_size, dtype=dtype)
            d = arange(array_size, dtype=dtype)
            e = arange(array_size, dtype=dtype)
            if dtype == complex:
                a = a.real
                for x in [a2, b, c, d, e]:
                    x += 1j
                    x *= 1 + 1j
            if test_scalar == 1:
                a = a[array_size // 2]
            if test_scalar == 2:
                b = b[array_size // 2]
            for optimization, exact in [
                ('none', False), ('moderate', False), ('aggressive', False)]:
                for section_name, section_tests in tests:
                    for expr in section_tests:
                        if (dtype == complex and
                            ('<' in expr or '>' in expr or '%' in expr
                             or "arctan2" in expr or "fmod" in expr
                             or "floor" in expr or "ceil" in expr)):
                            # skip complex comparisons or functions not
                            # defined in complex domain.
                        if (dtype in (int, int) and test_scalar and
                                    expr == '(a+1) ** -1'):

                        m = make_test_method(a, a2, b, c, d, e, x,
                                             expr, test_scalar, dtype,
                                             optimization, exact,
                        yield m

class test_int64(TestCase):
    def test_neg(self):
        a = array([2 ** 31 - 1, 2 ** 31, 2 ** 32, 2 ** 63 - 1], dtype=int64)
        res = evaluate('-a')
        assert_array_equal(res, [1 - 2 ** 31, -(2 ** 31), -(2 ** 32), 1 - 2 ** 63])
        self.assertEqual(, 'int64')

class test_int32_int64(TestCase):

    def test_small_int(self):
        # Small ints (32-bit ones) should not be promoted to longs.
        res = evaluate('2')
        assert_array_equal(res, 2)
        self.assertEqual(, 'int32')

    def test_big_int(self):
        # Big ints should be promoted to longs.
        res = evaluate('2**40')
        assert_array_equal(res, 2 ** 40)
        self.assertEqual(, 'int64')

    def test_long_constant_promotion(self):
        int32array = arange(100, dtype='int32')
        itwo = np.int32(2)
        ltwo = np.int64(2)
        res = int32array * 2
        res32 = evaluate('int32array * itwo')
        res64 = evaluate('int32array * ltwo')
        assert_array_equal(res, res32)
        assert_array_equal(res, res64)
        self.assertEqual(, 'int32')
        self.assertEqual(, 'int64')

    def test_int64_array_promotion(self):
        int32array = arange(100, dtype='int32')
        int64array = arange(100, dtype='int64')
        respy = int32array * int64array
        resnx = evaluate('int32array * int64array')
        assert_array_equal(respy, resnx)
        self.assertEqual(, 'int64')

class test_uint32_int64(TestCase):
    def test_small_uint32(self):
        # Small uint32 should not be downgraded to ints.
        a = np.uint32(42)
        res = evaluate('a')
        assert_array_equal(res, 42)
        self.assertEqual(, 'int64')

    def test_uint32_constant_promotion(self):
        int32array = arange(100, dtype='int32')
        stwo = np.int32(2)
        utwo = np.uint32(2)
        res = int32array * utwo
        res32 = evaluate('int32array * stwo')
        res64 = evaluate('int32array * utwo')
        assert_array_equal(res, res32)
        assert_array_equal(res, res64)
        self.assertEqual(, 'int32')
        self.assertEqual(, 'int64')

    def test_int64_array_promotion(self):
        uint32array = arange(100, dtype='uint32')
        int64array = arange(100, dtype='int64')
        respy = uint32array * int64array
        resnx = evaluate('uint32array * int64array')
        assert_array_equal(respy, resnx)
        self.assertEqual(, 'int64')

class test_strings(TestCase):
    BLOCK_SIZE1 = 128
    BLOCK_SIZE2 = 8
    str_list1 = [b'foo', b'bar', b'', b'  ']
    str_list2 = [b'foo', b'', b'x', b' ']
    str_nloops = len(str_list1) * (BLOCK_SIZE1 + BLOCK_SIZE2 + 1)
    str_array1 = array(str_list1 * str_nloops)
    str_array2 = array(str_list2 * str_nloops)
    str_constant = b'doodoo'

    def test_null_chars(self):
        str_list = [
            b'\0\0\0', b'\0\0foo\0', b'\0\0foo\0b', b'\0\0foo\0b\0',
            b'foo\0', b'foo\0b', b'foo\0b\0', b'foo\0bar\0baz\0\0']
        for s in str_list:
            r = evaluate('s')
            self.assertEqual(s, r.tobytes())  # check *all* stored data

    def test_compare_copy(self):
        sarr = self.str_array1
        expr = 'sarr'
        res1 = eval(expr)
        res2 = evaluate(expr)
        assert_array_equal(res1, res2)

    def test_compare_array(self):
        sarr1 = self.str_array1
        sarr2 = self.str_array2
        expr = 'sarr1 >= sarr2'
        res1 = eval(expr)
        res2 = evaluate(expr)
        assert_array_equal(res1, res2)

    def test_compare_variable(self):
        sarr = self.str_array1
        svar = self.str_constant
        expr = 'sarr >= svar'
        res1 = eval(expr)
        res2 = evaluate(expr)
        assert_array_equal(res1, res2)

    def test_compare_constant(self):
        sarr = self.str_array1
        expr = 'sarr >= %r' % self.str_constant
        res1 = eval(expr)
        res2 = evaluate(expr)
        assert_array_equal(res1, res2)

    def test_add_string_array(self):
        sarr1 = self.str_array1
        sarr2 = self.str_array2
        expr = 'sarr1 + sarr2'
        self.assert_missing_op('add_sss', expr, locals())

    def test_empty_string1(self):
        a = np.array([b"", b"pepe"])
        b = np.array([b"pepe2", b""])
        res = evaluate("(a == b'') & (b == b'pepe2')")
        assert_array_equal(res, np.array([True, False]))
        res2 = evaluate("(a == b'pepe') & (b == b'')")
        assert_array_equal(res2, np.array([False, True]))

    def test_empty_string2(self):
        a = np.array([b"p", b"pepe"])
        b = np.array([b"pepe2", b""])
        res = evaluate("(a == b'') & (b == b'pepe2')")
        assert_array_equal(res, np.array([False, False]))
        res2 = evaluate("(a == b'pepe') & (b == b'')")
        assert_array_equal(res, np.array([False, False]))

    def test_add_numeric_array(self):
        sarr = self.str_array1
        narr = arange(len(sarr), dtype='int32')
        expr = 'sarr >= narr'
        self.assert_missing_op('ge_bsi', expr, locals())

    def assert_missing_op(self, op, expr, local_dict):
        msg = "expected NotImplementedError regarding '%s'" % op
            evaluate(expr, local_dict)
        except NotImplementedError as nie:
            if "'%s'" % op not in nie.args[0]:

    def test_compare_prefix(self):
        # Check comparing two strings where one is a prefix of the
        # other.
        for s1, s2 in [(b'foo', b'foobar'), (b'foo', b'foo\0bar'),
                       (b'foo\0a', b'foo\0bar')]:
            self.assertTrue(evaluate('s1 < s2'))
            self.assertTrue(evaluate('s1 <= s2'))
            self.assertTrue(evaluate('~(s1 == s2)'))
            self.assertTrue(evaluate('~(s1 >= s2)'))
            self.assertTrue(evaluate('~(s1 > s2)'))

        # Check for NumPy array-style semantics in string equality.
        s1, s2 = b'foo', b'foo\0\0'
        self.assertTrue(evaluate('s1 == s2'))

# Case for testing selections in fields which are aligned but whose
# data length is not an exact multiple of the length of the record.
# The following test exposes the problem only in 32-bit machines,
# because in 64-bit machines 'c2' is unaligned.  However, this should
# check most platforms where, while not unaligned, 'len(datatype) >
# boundary_alignment' is fullfilled.
class test_irregular_stride(TestCase):
    def test_select(self):
        f0 = arange(10, dtype=int32)
        f1 = arange(10, dtype=float64)

        irregular = rec.fromarrays([f0, f1])

        f0 = irregular['f0']
        f1 = irregular['f1']

        i0 = evaluate('f0 < 5')
        i1 = evaluate('f1 < 5')

        assert_array_equal(f0[i0], arange(5, dtype=int32))
        assert_array_equal(f1[i1], arange(5, dtype=float64))

# Cases for testing arrays with dimensions that can be zero.
class test_zerodim(TestCase):
    def test_zerodim1d(self):
        a0 = array([], dtype=int32)
        a1 = array([], dtype=float64)

        r0 = evaluate('a0 + a1')
        r1 = evaluate('a0 * a1')

        assert_array_equal(r0, a1)
        assert_array_equal(r1, a1)

    def test_zerodim3d(self):
        a0 = array([], dtype=int32).reshape(0, 2, 4)
        a1 = array([], dtype=float64).reshape(0, 2, 4)

        r0 = evaluate('a0 + a1')
        r1 = evaluate('a0 * a1')

        assert_array_equal(r0, a1)
        assert_array_equal(r1, a1)

def _environment(key, value):
    old = os.environ.get(key)
    os.environ[key] = value
        if old:
            os.environ[key] = old
            del os.environ[key]

# Test cases for the threading configuration
class test_threading_config(TestCase):
    def test_max_threads_unset(self):
        # Has to be done in a subprocess as `importlib.reload` doesn't let us 
        # re-initialize the threadpool
        script = '\n'.join([
                "import os",
                "if 'NUMEXPR_MAX_THREADS' in os.environ: os.environ.pop('NUMEXPR_MAX_THREADS')",
                "if 'OMP_NUM_THREADS' in os.environ: os.environ.pop('OMP_NUM_THREADS')",
                "import numexpr",
                "assert(numexpr.nthreads <= 8)",
        subprocess.check_call([sys.executable, '-c', script])

    def test_max_threads_set(self):
        # Has to be done in a subprocess as `importlib.reload` doesn't let us 
        # re-initialize the threadpool
        script = '\n'.join([
                "import os",
                "os.environ['NUMEXPR_MAX_THREADS'] = '4'",
                "import numexpr",
                "assert(numexpr.MAX_THREADS == 4)",
        subprocess.check_call([sys.executable, '-c', script])

    def test_numexpr_num_threads(self):
        with _environment('OMP_NUM_THREADS', '5'):
            # NUMEXPR_NUM_THREADS has priority
            with _environment('NUMEXPR_NUM_THREADS', '3'):
                 if 'sparc' in platform.machine():
                     self.assertEqual(1, numexpr._init_num_threads())
                     self.assertEqual(3, numexpr._init_num_threads())

    def test_omp_num_threads(self):
        with _environment('OMP_NUM_THREADS', '5'):
            if 'sparc' in platform.machine():
                self.assertEqual(1, numexpr._init_num_threads())
                self.assertEqual(5, numexpr._init_num_threads())

    def test_vml_threads_round_trip(self):
        n_threads = 3
        if use_vml:
            set_threads = numexpr.utils.get_vml_num_threads()
            self.assertEqual(n_threads, set_threads)

# Case test for threads
class test_threading(TestCase):

    def test_thread(self):
        import threading

        class ThreadTest(threading.Thread):
            def run(self):
                a = arange(3)
                assert_array_equal(evaluate('a**3'), array([0, 1, 8]))

        test = ThreadTest()

    def test_multithread(self):
        import threading

        # Running evaluate() from multiple threads shouldn't crash
        def work(n):
            a = arange(n)

        work(10)  # warm compilation cache

        nthreads = 30
        threads = [threading.Thread(target=work, args=(1e5,))
                   for i in range(nthreads)]
        for t in threads:
        for t in threads:

# The worker function for the subprocess (needs to be here because Windows
# has problems pickling nested functions with the multiprocess module :-/)
def _worker(qout=None):
    ra = np.arange(1e3)
    rows = evaluate('ra > 0')
    #print "Succeeded in evaluation!\n"
    if qout is not None:

# Case test for subprocesses (via multiprocessing module)
class test_subprocess(TestCase):
    def test_multiprocess(self):
            import multiprocessing as mp
        except ImportError:
        # Check for two threads at least
        #print "**** Running from main process:"
        #print "**** Running from subprocess:"
        qout = mp.Queue()
        ps = mp.Process(target=_worker, args=(qout,))
        ps.daemon = True

        result = qout.get()
        #print result

[docs]def test(verbosity=1): """ Run all the tests in the test suite. """ print_versions() # For some reason, NumPy issues all kinds of warnings when using Python3. # Ignoring them in tests should be ok, as all results are checked out. # See for details. np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore', over='ignore', under='ignore') return unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=verbosity).run(suite())
test.__test__ = False def suite(): import unittest import platform as pl theSuite = unittest.TestSuite() niter = 1 class TestExpressions(TestCase): pass def add_method(func): def method(self): return func() setattr(TestExpressions, func.__name__, method.__get__(None, TestExpressions)) for func in test_expressions(): add_method(func) for n in range(niter): theSuite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(test_numexpr)) if 'sparc' not in platform.machine(): theSuite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(test_numexpr2)) theSuite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(test_evaluate)) theSuite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(TestExpressions)) theSuite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(test_int32_int64)) theSuite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(test_uint32_int64)) theSuite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(test_strings)) theSuite.addTest( unittest.makeSuite(test_irregular_stride)) theSuite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(test_zerodim)) theSuite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(test_threading_config)) # multiprocessing module is not supported on Hurd/kFreeBSD if (pl.system().lower() not in ('gnu', 'gnu/kfreebsd')): theSuite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(test_subprocess)) # I need to put this test after test_subprocess because # if not, the test suite locks immediately before test_subproces. # This only happens with Windows, so I suspect of a subtle bad # interaction with threads and subprocess :-/ theSuite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(test_threading)) return theSuite if __name__ == '__main__': print_versions() unittest.main(defaultTest='suite') # suite = suite() # unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(suite)